Company Name Contact Info Location
Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 34. Cad. No: 2/E Melikgazi / / KAYSERİ / TÜRKİYE
Contact Info: +90 352 385 1030
Hall: 7
Stand: 721/B
Product Groups
  • Flat steels

Anadolu Boru was established in 1998 and started its operations in production of welded steel tubes. Focusing on manufacturing of welded steel tubes from cold rolled steel for precision applications; Anadolu Boru supplies its products to various industries, including furniture, housewares, automotive, household appliances and metal fabrication. Combining its welded tube production with steel service center products, Anadolu Boru continues its operations in Kayseri city of Turkey over a 30.000 m2 area 10.000 m2 of which is covered. With its experienced team, annual production capacity of 75.000 tons and customer oriented production approach, Anadolu Boru will continue to be a reputable supplier for the industry.

Round TubesTubes

Anadolu Boru manufactures round tubes as per TS EN 10305-3 standards for precision applications. Anadolu Boru produces round tubes from specific cold rolled steel grades, with reduced dimensional tolerances and detailed control of production parameters; resulting in product suitability for further mechanical processes such as bending, expanding, reduction and forming and high surface quality suitable for further surface operations including electrostatic painting, polishing and coating processes.

Square TubesSquare

Anadolu Boru manufactures square welded tubes as per TS EN 10305-5 standards. Square tubes produced by Anadolu Boru have widely been processed in various applications in different sectors including furniture, office furniture, housewares, construction, machinery and automotive industries. Anadolu Boru offers high quality service for its square tube products from cold rolled steel with its wide range of production and stock availability.

Rectangular Tubes

Anadolu Boru manufactures rectangular tubes as per TS EN 10305-5 standards for different industries including metal housewares, furniture and household appliances. Anadolu Boru is a significant industrial supplier for rectangular tubes from cold rolled steel with its wide variety of products and fast delivery capability.

Special Cross Section Tubes

Anadolu Boru manufactures special cross section tubes such as flat oval, D, polygonal, elliptical and other different sections for precision applications within TS EN 10305-3 standards, option 10. With their high performance in various mechanical processes, suitability for surface coating operations and aesthetics appearances, special cross section tubes produced by Anadolu Boru have widely been selected in designs of end products in various sectors including furniture, housewares, office furniture and household appliances industries.

Galvanized Tubes

Anadolu Boru manufactures round and rectangular tubes from galvanized steel with S4 surface condition as per TS EN 10305-3 and TS EN 10305-5 standards. Galvanized tubes produced by Anadolu Boru from cold formable galvanized steel grades have widely been preferred by various industrial applications including household appliances, outdoor furniture, greenhouse applications, tent systems, bicycle and park equipment with their mechanical formability and resistance against corrosion.

Steel Sheet And Strip

Anadolu Boru offers steel service center services with the slitting and cut to length lines in its machinery park. Steel sheet and strips produced from cold rolled steel have widely been used in various industries such as, metal housewares, household appliances, office furniture and steel door.

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